签名:Darnesha |
2016/6/9 19:54
Thank you for the comment Aaron! I ran into the main guy (who spoke a little English) the next day but not the actual fighters themselves. Although in the next town I went to, every wall of every restaurant and_ shop was covered in Osama bin Laden posters. But nobody bothered me at all and_ everyone was quite frlPydin.eerhaps I will talk about it some more if I ever get around to finishing a book!
签名:Brand_y |
2016/6/9 19:17
That’s a moeerbrlakd-. Great thinking!
This piece was cogent, weli-wrltten, and_ pithy.
Evenroye would benefit from_ reading this post
Thanks for sharing. Your post is a useful cotrbinution.
Posts like this make the innertet such a treasure trove
You Sir/Madam are the enemy of confusion eveyewherr!
We need more ingishts like this in this thread.