Dear Jie,
Thank you for kindly letting me know of this very sad, but inevitable, news. Professor Zhang certainly had a very celebrated career and she brought great credit to our specialty of O&G, but particularly to our specialty of IVF/ART. She will long be remembered for her illustrious contributions to our specialty over many years, and will be remembered not only by her colleagues, but particularly by the parents of the many thousands of children which her inspiring pioneering work helped to ‘create’. China should be very proud of what she achieved at both a national and an international level. The good news is that her successor, your good-self Jie, has achieved, and will continue to achieve, so much yourself - you too have a very remarkable career, and I wish you and your teams continued success in the future.
I will always remember the huge birthday celebrations to which I was invited some years ago - it was truly a memorable occasion!
I hope you enjoy the pictures - happy memories!
My very best wishes to you and to all your team,