惊悉国际声学界著名学者、中国科学院资深院士马大猷先生驾鹤西去,深感悲痛,特致沉痛哀悼。 马先生对我辈亲切关怀,谆谆教诲,他的音容笑貌将永远留在我们心中,激励后辈为我国声学事业创新发展作出更大努力! 上海交通大学 教授 张重超 严济宽 陈端石 &
签名:王季卿 教授 |
2012/7/19 05:43
签名:Zhuang (John) Li, Ph |
2012/7/19 05:40
I forwarded the sad message to the Board of Director of the International Institute of Acoustics and_ Vibration. We decided to post the obituary notice on our website and_ contribute the next issue of the International Journal of Acoustics and_ Vibration to Professor Maa. Wish him peace in heaven! Zhuang (John) Li, PhD Associate Editor, International Journal of Acoustics and_ Vibration Department of Engineering McNeese State University Box 91735 Lake Charles, LA 70609 ph: 337-475-5869
签名:Fan-Gang Zeng, Ph.D. |
2012/7/19 05:39
Like you all, I am saddened by the news. I never met Prof. Maa personally but have benefited from_ his publications, particularly his hand_book of acoustics when I was a graduate student in Shanghai in early 80s. Jun, have you guys set up a memorial fund? Fan-Gang Fan-Gang Zeng, Ph.D. Professor of Anatomy and_ Neurobiology, Biomedical Engineering and_ Cognitive Sciences Director, Center for Hearing Research Director of Research, Otolaryngology – Head and_ Neck Surgery University of California Irvine
签名:Prof S J Elliott F |
2012/7/19 05:37
I am sorry to hear this sad news about Prof Maa. He was a great man who contributed greatly to Acoustics in many ways. My condolences Steve + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Prof S J Elliott FREng Institute of Sound & Vibration Research University of Southampton Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ UK
签名:William (Bill) Lang |
2012/7/19 05:32
It was with a deep sense of personal loss that I learned of Professor Maa’s death from_ Professor Jing Tian. It was Professor Maa who chaired the very successful 1987 International Conference on Noise Control Engineering held in Beijing, on September 15-17 of that year. The theme of the conference was “Noise Control in Industry,” and_ its many hundreds of engineering presentations introduced the Western participants to the many accomplishments in our field by researchers in the People’s Republic of China. This outstand_ing event&
签名:刘晓昱 教授 |
2012/7/19 05:31