深切悼念马大猷先生! 韦岗 华南理工大学 电子与信息学院
签名:Michael Vorlaender |
2012/7/20 05:46
all of us in the ICA board were deeply touched to hear about the passing of Prof. Dah-You Maa., and_ we want to convey our deepest sympathy to the Acoustical Society of China. He was an outstand_ing scientist and_ mentor. His contributions are a highly respected source of knowledge and_ an inspiration for his students and_ colleagues. His determined manner, fine sense of humor and_ generosity made a deep impression on all of those who were fortunate enough to work with him and_ to learn from_ him. We will sorely miss him, both fro
签名:Raj Singh |
2012/7/20 05:45
I would like to express my condolences on the passing of Prof. Dah-You Maa, who has made a significant contribution to the science of acoustics and_ China’s stand_ing in the scientific community. He will be missed but his work will be continued by the Institute of Acoustics and_ other find institutes in China. The Donald D. Glower Chair in Engineering and_ Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and_ Aerospace Engineering Senior Fellow, Center for Automotive Research; Director, Acoustics and_ Dynamics Laboratory Director, NSF I/UCRC Smart Vehicle Concepts Center
签名:Lixi Huang |
2012/7/19 23:26
签名:John Ffowcs Williams |
2012/7/19 21:37
I am sending this message to record the great admiration and_ affection I hold for my late friend Prof. Dah-You Maa. I first met him on a visit to China in 1980 and_ he later came to visit us in Cambridge. My wife recalls taking him to see Ely cathedral while I was ill in bed with flu. During a visit to Beijing with my family in 1989, his wife Rong Ho Wang took my daughter, who was then training to be medical doctor, over a hospital in Beijing, a visit that was greatly appreciated.They were very kind&nbs
马先生是我们景仰的学界前辈,他的一生全部贡献给了声学事业。愿我辈能继续发扬马先生严谨治学、求实创新的精神,做出成绩。 后学 蔡志博 中国科学院上海高等研究院 声学与信息技术研究中心