Dear JuRen and family:
We were very sadly to realize Dr.Zhou's diseased away. We are clearly remember her smile when we visited your home in Chendu in the last May. Her smiling will always be kept in our mind that is the unforgettable smiling from her heart. We are truly believe that her spirit has arrived the heaven with the most warm thought from all her family, relatives and friends including us.
Wish you all can accept the fact she is just waiting for us in the heaven but not left us away. And, I believe that she will like to see all you will live well with good health but not only the sadness for her leaving.
Please, accept our truly comfort and wishes, even we can not come back to Chendu now, forgive our absence during the special period.
If it's not too trouble with you, Please purchase the floral wreath for us to show our last respect to her (We will return the price of the wreath to you as soon as possible). Thank you very much in advance.
Take care yourselves, that is th