1973-11-12 ~ 2008-04-11
到访:91020  祭奠留言:454





签名:Leah Han 2008/4/16 11:45
The song is ended, but the melody lingers on... We will always remember you...
签名:Chunming Shang 2008/4/16 11:29
Tony, I still can't believe that you have left us forever. Only two month ago, we were having lunch together, and you had so many plans for your family and career. Can't believe it became the last time we met. Thinking back on the two years at Smith school, you were always so cheerful and energetic, bringing joy to everyone around you. May you rest in peace in heaven.
签名:Wang Wei 2008/4/16 11:14
Tony, it is hard to accept the fact that we have lost such a humurous,energetic and optimistic friend for ever. You brought to our Smith School 2003 community so much fun and energy. May you rest in peace.
签名:HYF 2008/4/16 11:01
签名:Norris Wu 2008/4/16 10:59
Jinhai, so shock and still can not accept the news. The 2 years study life with you is such a good memory. Our family will pray for you. An Xi
签名:Lu & Lu 2008/4/16 10:40
Tony, it is really heartbreaking to learn about your departure. There are so many things that you plan to accomplish, a young family that needs your support, and a baby girl that needs your love. So young and so energetic, it is not fair….Hope you rest in peace. We will never forget all the vivid memories about you. Our prayers will always be with Wendy and Norah.
签名:Cheng Tao 2008/4/16 09:55
Tony, 看着你的照片, 你的EMAIL, 回想你的音容笑貌和我们同学两年的往事, 悲痛万分, 真的无法相信你已经离开我们了. 只希望你在天堂一切都好, 报佑你的家人. 韬
签名:宫颖薇 2008/4/16 09:47

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